Contributor’s Guide

Steps for Submitting Code

Contributions are very much welcomed and appreciated. Every little bit of help counts, so please do not hesitate!

  1. Check for open issues, or open a new issue to start some discussion around a feature idea or bug.

  2. Fork the repository on GitHub to start making your changes.

  3. Write tests that show the bug is fixed or that the feature works as expected.

  4. Ensure your code passes the style checks by running

$ make formatter && make lint
  1. Check all of the unit tests pass by running

$ make test
  1. Check the type checks pass by running

$ make types
  1. Send a pull request and bug the maintainer until it gets merged and published 🙂

Bug Reports

Bug reports should be made to the issue tracker. Please include enough information to reproduce the issue you are having. A minimal, reproducible example would be very helpful.

Feature Requests

Feature requests should be made to the issue tracker.